The Netball Performance League consists of ten teams of players aged under 19. The ten teams consist of the eight English Franchises and two invited teams. The players are in the athlete pathway for progression to possibly become future Netball Super League (NSL) players. This was previously known as the National Talent League (NTL).

The competition is made up of two stages; stage one is a single round robin competition with teams spilt into two groups (North & South). Stage two comprises a cross sectional play-offs with teams receiving an overall placing. 

Further information can be found on the England Netball website:

London Pulse

London Pulse are based at Copper Box Arena, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London, E20 3HB

Further information about London Pulse can be found on their website:


London Mavericks

London Mavericks are based at the University of Hertfordshire near Hatfield.

Further information about London Mavericks can be found on their website: London Mavericks

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