

In this section you will find details of England Netball workshops and workshops run by the Superleague Franchises.

England Netball Workshops

England Netball have a variety of coaching workshops available to facilitate the delivery of netball both in clubs and local communities. These practical coaching workshops aim to provide learners with a better understanding of specific areas of player and game development, the toolkit required to analyse and correct technique, and fresh ideas for building practices and sessions.

Learners are provided with high-quality resources to take away and use in their own coaching environments and are actively encouraged to participate in the activities during the workshops.

Workshops range from £40–£80 with discounts available for affiliated members. More information on all England Netball workshops can be found below. To book onto a course, head to the England Netball Course Finder

England Netball Course Finder


Bee Netball

The aim of this workshop is to provide people with the skills, knowledge and confidence they need to be able to deliver a Bee Netball session aimed at children aged between 5 and 11 years old in schools or clubs. The workshop includes a mix of both theory and practical sessions and involves some pre workshop learning to help prepare you for the workshop.

  • To understand the values and ethos of Bee Netball and be able to bring them to life in a session
  • To understand the age and stage framework and its application within Bee Netball delivery
  • To provide ideas for fun and relevant games and activities that can be used in a Bee Netball session
  • To ensure the principles of safe, fun and inclusive session delivery is understood
  • England Netball Member – £40
  • Non-member – £50


Walking Netball Host Training

The aim of this six hour workshop is to provide learners with the skills they need to be able to host a Walking Netball session. The workshop includes a mix of both theory and practical sessions, covering the ethos and the game of Walking Netball, know how to create a great first experience and provide activity ideas for sessions.

  • Understand the game and ethos of Walking Netball
  • Be clear on the role of a Walking Netball host
  • Know how to create a great first experience
  • Provide ideas for fun and relevant practices that can be used in a Walking Netball session.
  • Ensure that the host can deliver safe, fun and inclusive sessions
  • England Netball Member – £65
  • Non-member – £80


Game Sense

This workshop aims to equip coaches with the knowledge and understanding of game sense and its key principles. It will enable you to apply game sense into your coaching practice with confidence. It’s ideal for Level 2 coaches and above, particularly those coaching in clubs and/or in the performance pathway who are keen to develop their understanding of game sense and its framework.

  • Develop an understanding of what game sense is and the key principles
  • Understand the application of game sense into coaching practice
  • Improve your observation and analysis skills
  • Opportunities for group discussions and shared learning
  • Applying learning into session planning and practice design
  • England Netball Member – £25
  • Non-member – £50


Athlete Identifiers Workshop

The aim of this five-hour virtual workshop is to provide current coaches working within the pathway with the skills and tools to select players into the performance pathway, and is aimed at England Netball Level 2 coaches (or above) working in the county performance pathway

  • Understand where and how the County Under 15 and Under 13 age groups fit into the Roses Academy Pathway
  • Understand the behaviours and expectations required of an Athlete Identifier
  • Gain knowledge and understanding on how to observe, analyse, collect evidence, and identify performance players in generic games, skill practices and match play
  • Apply the knowledge and understanding when making decisions on identifying performance players.
  • Reflect on one’s own knowledge, skills and understanding as an Athlete Identifier
  • England Netball Member – £50



Disability Awareness

This theory workshop will help coaches to feel more confident in communicating with, and understanding, participants with a disability. Specific tasks will enable coaches to understand how they can make their activities more inclusive and how they can adapt their activities to participants with a disability. Attendance at the workshop will also give coaches a greater understanding of what England Netball is offering and how they can get involved.

  • Understand what they can say to participants with a disability
  • Understand the definitions of disability used
  • Have an overview of disability in England
  • Have an overview of disability in Netball
  • How to include participants in your coaching activities with disabilities
  • How to adapt activities for participants in your coaching activities with disabilities
  • England Netball Member – £40
  • Non-member – £50


Franchise Coaching Workshops

We have three active Superleague Franchises running workshops within the Region. Details of courses received by the Regional offices will be posted below.

Please note that the content of these workshops has not been accredited by England Netball.

For a full list please visit the Franchises' websites directly.

London Pulse

London Mavericks


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